
homemade is best

this cookbook for ikea, designed by Forsman & Bodenfors wins a
Brit Insurance design award for its bookdesign
see more on ikea


old books

some old books of our bookcase


o > p

we picked up where we stayed.
It is been searching and working again, but we have to finish the alphabet.


prefab in old house

this is how we would like to build our home in France
just buying an old house and putting a new one in it
above by Naumann Architektur
under ‘Dovecote Studio’ by Haworth Tompkins

xavier veilhan

love the work of xavier veilhan


joost grootens

i love the work of dutch bookdesigner joost grootens, and now there is a book with his work! published by 010 publishers

book of paper

found on fontanel


o echo!

working on the book O ECHO!


io sono l'amore

Love the opening credits of io sono l'amore. very classic.